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Do you have questions or concerns around live-in care?

Take advantage of a free “Care Fact Finder Call” with our CEO Hamlet.

live-in care facts

It’s a big decision to have outsiders come into your loved one’s home to support them 24/7. A decision that warrants careful consideration.

In your Care Fact Finder Call you will discover:

  • Whether live-in care is indeed the right solution for you;
  • Why live-in care can make far more financial sense than a care home;
  • The different types of live-in care available, and their pros and cons;
  • How to ensure that your carers will be competent, trustworthy, and always acting in the best interests of your loved one;
  • What to expect from your live-in carers;
  • The practical aspects of hosting a live-in carer in your home;
  • What support you can expect on your live-in care journey; and
  • How to get started with live-in care.

This 30-minute discovery call is your unique opportunity to address any and all queries you may have about live-in care, irrespective of which service provider you ultimately settle on.

Let’s have a chat, so you can take the stress and uncertainty out of live-in care (click button below).

(or call Hamlet directly on 07731 191541)

You’ll find it half an hour well spent.

By the way, as a Thank You for enquiring, we will send you a complimentary copy of our e-book “Mealtimes and Dementia”, which provides practical advice on how to manage the mealtime challenges that often come with dementia, such as

  • Vision-related issues;
  • Difficulties with chewing and swallowing;
  • Changes in appetite and taste perception;
  • Social and psychological factors;
  • Dignity and independence;
  • And of course nutritional factors.

Here's what some other clients have said about us:

“Your early lockdown [for Covid-19] was a life saver. Thanks so much to your carer who stayed with us for that entire time.”

“QV’s backup is truly amazing. I know I can call Hamlet and Maria directly anytime.”

“I don’t know any other care company where even the directors get stuck into frontline care work.”